KOTEP160 Introduction to Digital Competences for Educators, autumn 2023

27.09.2023 05.12.2023
JYU Moodle
Open University

This module focuses on using digital technologies for communication, collaboration and professional development as well as enhancing inclusion, personalisation and learners active engagement.

Credits: 5 ects

Registration requires a valid passport or an EU identity card. Please read our registration guide before starting. If you have a Finnish bank ID, you can use it instead of passport or EU id.

Course information:

1) to use digital technologies, not only in teaching, but also for their professional interactions with colleagues, learners, parents and other interested parties;

2) to support learner-centered pedagogic strategies and to boost the active involvement of learners in the learning process, and

3) to support classroom differentiation and personalised education by offering learning activities adapted to each individual learner’s level of competence, interests and learning needs.

If you are a degree student of the FernUniversität in Hagen, Universidade Aberta, or Anadoly University, you can ask about course registration from your university. Contact information is available here.


01.08.2023  -  28.09.2023